Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dealing . . or Not?

My baby is here . . the funny thing is  . . I thought that when he came . . things would change . .. why did i think that  . . i thought. . oh it will be easier for me to digest . . it will be easier because it will be real . .. it will be easier to deal with it all . . the co-creator would be easier to deal with . . . uhhh  . . no.

None of it . . is easy . . in fact, it's harder. .  the hardest thing I have done thus far . .  it really is a cluster.

Dealing with the newness of motherhood, the loss of my OWN mother, the loss of my freedom, the loss of the triune . . . ha . . really.

Please don't get me wrong . .. I love him . . to pieces . . I mean . . he is of ME . . he looks like ME  . .. he  is ME.  But ohhhh . . he is of someone else too . . and I see it . . everyday .. wow .. thats a powerful reminder to have EVERY SINGLE DAY AND EVERY WAKING MOMENT.

But the good part, perhaps the best part . . is i am growing in my faith . . I have no one else to turn to  . . but HIM . . God.  And that is the ONLY way HE would have it.

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